New Moon in Gemini

It’s been a while since I had this many thoughts and ideas about a lunation.

I was STUCK IN MY HEAD earlier... I recognised the signs and DRAGGED myself away from my laptop and on a walk in the park.

Given the astrology I decided that a Dr Joe Dispenza walking meditation would be for the best. Here’s the link! It’s on YouTube, probably illegally. 😅

Either way, I hated it the way we do when we REALLY NEED to meditate.

I resisted it. I felt angry towards it. I inwardly raged at having to meditate and be still.

For those of you who never get that past that part of meditation, I totally get it! There IS magic on the other side of that hell though.

After about 30 minutes of torturous meditation I made eye-contact with a Golden Retriever who returned my stare and decided he needed to say hello to me. Immediate grounding! Dogs are great medicine. 🦮

The rest of the meditation was a breeze after that! (Relatively speaking!)

New Moon in Gemini MUSINGS

One thing I’ve noticed this year is people saying “Father’s day does’t get as much attention as Mother’s Day.”

I’ve seen comedy reels about it, heard people talk about it and even the priest who lives opposite just said it!!

Sun and Moon square Neptune.

The unseen father.

But also;

  • The unavailable father.

  • The absent father.

  • The distorted father.

  • The lost father.

  • The grieving father.

  • The disempowered father.

The suffering masculine that cannot express easily.

I don't understand how we stamp crying out of men and brand women with the need to wear make up and look good and simply accept it.

With Pluto at 29 Capricorn the karmic debris of Capricorn is splattered all over the collective. New Moons are punctuation points, just as all lunations are and a punctuation point under this critical degree is highlighting the broken line that has not yet been addressed.

The emotions of an abused father that have not been witnessed and lead to only more abuse.

The confused role of the father.

These are diseases that seep through society and are still largely unseen. Neptune. HIDDEN SICKNESS that is everywhere. Something so obvious that we are all failing to see it.

Pluto rules Scorpio and we are looking at the very early degrees of Scorpio, a sordid place indeed. I think this is really interesting this year as more and more people are talking about GRIEF and the absence of Father on Father’s Day.

It’s acute today with Neptune square the New Moon and the sense of loss lingering in the atmosphere. I have to say that my encounter with that Golden Retriever made me feel like he could see spirit around me. I always try and make friends with dogs in the park but they are only ever interested in sniffing other dogs, I am usually ignored! Fellow dog fans might also know this to be true. 😆

I feel like whilst I was WRESTLING with meditation he could see something that isn’t usually there and it gave me a nudge from the universe, a reminder that the unseen is well-and truly present. The ancestral line is there.

Calm down and stop being pissed off with stuff that happened yesterday.

I’m not an expert in psychotherapy… but!

Although I must say that recently I’ve started to lose SOME of my absolute faith with the concept of psychotherapy.

I love therapy and think it can do great things for people, but also I think it’s kinda incomplete.

I think we all know why therapy is great?

The support, the emotional resilience, the impartial ear, the ability to talk about things you don’t have anyone to tell, be heard.

However, I’ve started to see a VOID in understanding. I feel that everyone’s love for therapy is akin to society’s total acceptance of pharmaceuticals. It goes largely UNQUESTIONED.

I’ve seen and heard of many therapists tell people that their relatives are narcissists and they should cut them off. Whilst this CAN BE TRUE, how do they actually know and what are we creating? Where’s forgiveness?

It’s a bit of a clinical blackhole.

I’m an advocate for therapy that looks at past lives, considers energetics, works with plants and homeopathy to shift energy.

I started researching the history of Psychology today and everywhere I looked the ♆ Neptune symbol followed me around. Psi, the 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet is largely attributed to be the symbol for psychology.

It’s also the symbol for Neptune.


This is huge because Neptune = The collective unconscious and all things Carl Jung. It’s also Psychology?

So if psychology is connected to Neptune… where’s the spirituality?

I’m frequently contacted by people who want a therapist who is spiritual and Estelle Bingham is the only one I know, if this is you, please do let me know!

With that in mind, this is a great moment (before the New Moon) to be RELEASING and letting go. No launches today and certainly no contract signing or big decisions under Neptune.

Neptune takes us somewhere else. To a land of music, manifestation, magic, dance, connection, telepathy and transcendence. It also takes us to delusion, self-pity, victim mentality and confusion. Or replace that with feeling lost, wiped out, emotional and full of compassion. What will it be?

I’m late posting these ramblings, and I’m hesitant to share them, but the point of this blog is to ask some GEMINI infused questions…. and the way we think about mental health is ever changing.


Full Moon in Capricorn 2023


Chiron and The Path to Healing