Francesca Oddie

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Sagittarius Sun vs Saturn in Pisces

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter; King of the Gods.

Bombastic, audacious, generous, opinionated, temper prone, healing and a natural leader. That person in your life who loves to share their opinion probably has Jupiter and or Sagittarius strong in their charts.

Last night I was posting, reading, thinking, getting replies and I constantly get tangled in the range of Sagittarius themes.

♐️ share the truth (the individuals version of the truth)
♐️ preach
♐️say the thing everyone else doesn’t want to. Spilling the truth is what sag is here for and last year I found most of my favourite Instagram accounts announcing their birthdays. @chervin333 @sister_shanti @eyes__in__ @nohun_ bring the most ♐️♐️♐️ - whether you agree with what they say or not, they always say something!

Sagittarius knows that there is gold at the end of the rainbow and dreams to chase. The archer points his arrow sky high and chases dream after dream. Always wanting to know and see more.

And here’s where the conundrum lands.

Today with the Sun in Sagittarius square to Saturn in Pisces we meet the @sineadoconnorofficial natal birth aspect. Which in all honestly needs a whole video but in brief it’s the battle between truth, meaning, spirituality, faith and a longing to connect with the divine.

(This whole post was first typed out on the bus on instagram but evidently no one read it because it’s attached to a meme so I’m fleshing it out as a blog.)

Saturn is the father of Jupiter. He tries to limit and curtail the exuberance of his youngest son.

The professional father who wants his youngest child to be equally professional but is secretly very proud when he makes it in the music business (or similar ‘frivolous’ career.) The PROTECTION of the youngest child is associated with Jupiter, the jovial youngest Olympian brother who ends up becoming King of all the Gods.

With Saturn in Pisces there is a LIMIT in our understanding of spirituality, faith, compassion, connection and mystery. Traditionally Jupiter also rules Pisces and so these two signs get on well… there is a mutable AKA flexible, potential to collaborate and manifest big big big dreams. The tense square between these two signs of the zodiac is not as aggressive as it can be with Cardinal and Fixed signs.

However, with squares there’s always the challenge to overcome. The tussle between artistic vision and a need for planning, structure and HARSH realism that perhaps unpredictably, Pisces seeks out.

Sinead was another classic Sag who fearlessly spilt the truth but with Saturn in connected, sensitive Pisces the longing to transcend landed her in addiction as it does with with many Pisces.

It’s not just addiction, but that characteristic Pisces longing, the discomfort with the harshness of reality that rocks the core of their faith and leaves them searching for something. Sinead’s relationship with spirituality and religion was seemingly intimate as she became a priest before reverting to Islam. She was looking for MASTERY (Saturn) in her relationship with God (Sun in Sagittarius.) Having been completely let down by the Patriarchy (Sagittarius Sun square Saturn.)

I was writing all this on the bus earlier and I feel like we are all in this massive disillusionment at the moment. From my perspective the world is making the war in the the Middle East about religion but really, the issue is men fighting, rape, violence, brainwashing, manipulation and many of the Saturn in Pisces themes that Sinead O’Connor called out in her life. Her death at her Saturn Return elevated the themes of Saturn in Pisces into everyone’s consciousness.

Saturn - pain

Pisces- faith

With Saturn it’s where we learn the hard way and all of us now must learn about our relationship with the world we live in. WE ARE IN SPACE. Our souls reincarnate. We are born with Karma. Energy speaks louder than words.

The TRUE relationship with God / Universal Consciousness / Our Spirituality is hampered and controlled (Saturn.) As earthly creatures we have to learn how to live in alignment with our spirit and remember who we are. We all have stories and karma to work through. The true laws we need to live by are eternal, timeless and true. The laws of the land are largely created humans with conscious or unconscious agendas.

@drjoedispenza has Mars and Jupiter together in Pisces - for him faith, belief and spirit is an easier crusade. He knows that the law of attraction works and that we create our realities. He knows that people can heal with vibrational medicine and that getting caught up in 3D life holds us back.

Here we all are learning about both. And what to say?

“Spiritual” people will throw shade at spiritual bypassing and demand you throw punches and use your voice (ENERGY) to focus on the news.

It feels callous to turn our heads and say nothing.

We have to know what going on ‘out there’ in the collective because WE ARE THE COLLECTIVE and the unprocessed hatred, greed and venom is all of ours.

I’m not here to solve the problems of the world, though I could keep typing and thinking about how we can empower ourselves as individuals who listen to our hearts as opposed to the headlines. There is CONSTANTLY one prevailing news story that becomes the dominant talking point. Russel Brand is cracking on and no one is talking about him, Putin also. Isn’t that odd?

No answers here - just an illustration of ♐️ square to 🪐♓️.

  • Lessons in love.

  • Lessons in learning.

  • Lessons in owning our projections.

  • Lessons in truth.

  • Lessons in lies.

  • Lessons in intuition.

  • Lessons in the power of individuals who cannot and will not be manipulated.

  • Lessons in God.

  • Lessons in the meaning of life, faith and miracles.

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